I HATE how horrible I am at updating my blogs.
I use to update this thing at least monthly, now you Lovely Darlings are lucky to hear from me semi-annually. It's a good thing I suppose. Being too busy to stop and fill you all in on my time. However I am going to try to change that. My life has just become a big bunch of everything. I have yet to find something I hate about school. I even have found more things to love. For now I will tell you about my current Big Desision.
I am Changing My Major.
So it is nothing as drastic as it sounds in fact maybe I should label it as "updating" my Major. I am keeping my current status as an English Major but tacking on one minor detail, an Anthropology Major. Hard as it sounds. I spent all of last semester ranting and raving to anyone who would listen about how fabulous my Physical Anthropology class was. Did you know this Athropithicus came before Homo Habilis? That kinda thing. I was horrifingly obsessive. Finally after much debate to myself, I decided. I can do both. I love writing, even if it just this blog to you. Nothing will take away my shot at my English Degree. BUT who says I can't have a shot at something else too? Who knows? Maybe I will make something of myself this way. :)
Oh Wait.
I already I am.
Until the Fates Let Us,