Ali's Blogs the Precurser

This is based on true events and lives. I cannot promise everything to be child friendly. Infact I KNOW things will not be child friendly. Commandments will be broken, Risks will be taken, Sexual things will be persued, and Swearing will happen. Hey this is life!! Live and let live...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Settling In

So here I am. Five months since my last post. I bet you got a little worried for me. It's ok. I am fine. I just had to take time to get adjusted and settle in. So here is my new life.
  • Monday= Class 10-12 4-6
  • Tuesday= Class 12:30-4:30
  • Wednesday= Class 10-12 Lab 3-6
  • Thursday= Class 12:30-3:15 Work 4:30-10
  • Friday= Class 10-12 Work 1:30-10
  • Saturday= Work 10-10 (some shift in there)
  • Sunday= Work 12-8.
Wow. That sounds awful.

You know what though? I LOVE it. I love the fact that I have to study to get by. I am enthralled with the concept of sitting in the library between classes and going over my notes or writing my next story for creative writing. HELL even just reading my textbook is amazing to me. Here I am back in the saddle again. I haven't actually learned anything in at least three years. Except how to be an excellent sales clerk.

I know the ends and outs of how to run a store. I ran the damn store most of the time. I took inventory properly when others couldn't, I knew how to diffuse a customer, I even knew the best route to ordering things. I fucking ran that store. I was who was called when anyone was sick. I was who was called when something needed to be fixed or built. I opened and closed. I did bank runs. I was everything an assistant manger should be with out the money, benefits, or title. The month before I left I had to train four different people to do my job. FOUR! It took four people to cover what I could do alone. So now I am a month and a half in to my new job and new store. I have missed making my goal for the day once, yesterday. And no one made goal yesterday. I came in to my new job with according to my new manger more experience in the product than anyone here. I am the go to gal for if something is suppose to be that way or not. I do none of the extra jobs I did at my old store. Yet I am getting paid more. If I were to leave my current job tomorrow, they would miss me yes but I am replaceable by just one person. I am good with that. I am not going to leave my job, I love my job. I will get more knowledgeable at it. I got this job because I am capable of doing so many things and holding so much information. So I am happy.

As far as school goes, well I have yet to fail at anything. I have had two exams and passed them both. I have had two speeches and only gotten one grade back but passed that one. I am settling in. I have made a few friends, I have my fellow Labrats. They however deserve their own blog one day. I also am making friends with semi like minds in my creative writing class. We have our own corner. ;) All in all, I am doing well. I have to work on budgeting. But things come and things go. I am proud of my choices and my options. Here comes a whole new world!

until the fates let us,

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