Ali's Blogs the Precurser

This is based on true events and lives. I cannot promise everything to be child friendly. Infact I KNOW things will not be child friendly. Commandments will be broken, Risks will be taken, Sexual things will be persued, and Swearing will happen. Hey this is life!! Live and let live...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Bust the Bubble....The Big Move

A few months ago I posted about stepping out of my safety zone. As drastic as that can be, for me it is a necessary shift in my world. I have taught myself to live in this small bubble. A bubble that does not encompass half the worldly experience I have. I am the product of a Transition Manager. By the time I was 12 I had seen 30 out of the 50 states and 11 countries. My father's job carried him all over the world so we followed whenever we could. Yet here I am, afraid to leave my small protective bubble.

....I busted the bubble....

I have been accepted to College. I am once again moving on. Moving up, out, and Forward. In less than three months this blog will be coming from a new venue, with a new lease on life. I am proud of myself. I am terrified. I am all around ready to live life again. As of tomorrow I will have a class schedule, paid my dues, and be completely official.

I will no longer be in a odd sort of limbo, with people walking on eggshells around me like I am Broken Shards of Glass. I will stand strong and walk with confidence. I will shout from the rooftops all the things my safety zone would never let me say. I will no longer have anything to hide. And Have no one to hide from. Maybe just maybe I will gain some confidence in other areas of my life too. ;) Hey, you never know what change can bring, so baby bring it on!

Do you want to know what I find most intriguing about this endeavor? IF I had stayed in college the first time, I would have graduated this past weekend. Along with all of the people I went to High School with. Yet here I am basically starting over. Well I never did follow the crowd.

until the fates let us,

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